Dr Wojciech Kania

Ornithological Station, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Nadwiślańska 108, 80-680 Gdańsk, Poland

e-mail wkania@stornit.gda.pl (wkania@miiz.waw.pl); tel. +48 58 3080 759; fax +48 58 3080 982
po polsku

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Publications on: Summaries of papers (also own, sometimes supplemented with new information), translations of papers originally published in Polish or English

67. Kania W. 1994. Safety of catching adult waders at the nest - a request for data for the wader field methods manual. WSG Bull. 72: 20-21.

67a. [?] Kania W. 1995. Sikkerheden ved at fange voksne vadefugle pa reden - indkaldelse af data til feltarbejdsvejledningen for vadefugle. MTR Interne meddelelser til Zoologisk Museums ringmaerkere. 96: 34-37. Translation of the paper "Safety of catching adult waders at the nest - a request for data for the wader field methods manual" z WSG Bull. 72: 20-21.

70. Kania W. 1996. Safety of catching adult British birds at the nest. Ringers' Bulletin 9 (4): 24-27.

Created 2012-04-01 | updated 2016-08-21
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